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Uintah Elementary Community Council Agenda January 12,2023

 Community Council Agenda 1/12/2023

Members Present

  •     Parent Members
  •     School Members

Members Absent

  •     Parent Members
  •     School Members


Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes

Council Business

  • Overview the implementation of the School Land Trust Plan - Mr. Yardley
    • Goal 1: At least 65% of students in grades K-6 will achieve typical or above growth on the year-end Acadience Pathways of Progress by the end of the 2022 - 2023 school year.
    • Goal 2: All students K-6 will show at least 15% improvement or reach at least 80% proficiency on the end-of-year math essential skills assessment as compared to the beginning-of-year math essential skills assessment. This will be completed by the end of the 2022 - 2023 school year.


Estimated Cost


Rental of technology devices



Software < $5,000



Expendable items that are consumed, worn out or lose identity through use (paper, science and art supplies), food for a cooking class, a field trip, or a parent night (consistent with LEA policy)



Professional development requiring an overnight stay (travel, meals, hotel, registration, per-diem)



Repairs and Maintenance



Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)





  • Overview the implementation of the Teacher and Student Success Plan (TSSA)
  • Data presentation from RISE
  • Look at goals for the upcoming school year.

Next Meeting

  •   Can we add an extra meeting due to the cancellation of the November meeting?  If so, I propose to do this meeting on February 2nd or February 16th.
